I omit the details so as not to get tired. The stand is placed on a flat, hard surface. Added a drop of oil to all moving parts to ensure everything moves freely. I then proceeded to align the bladder with 3 screws. No problem, works like clockwork. It all ends here. You really don't need (if you don't want to) go any further. At this point all you have to do is gently rotate the top 90 degrees and the bubble is no longer flat. Rotate another 90 and the bubble will settle elsewhere. None that could be repeated to obtain a pattern. Since I can't align the part where the tire attaches I don't need to go any further, but I managed to do it. So I center the bubble and leave the top still (no rotation). ). I mounted the tire and paid attention to the heavy side. I take the tire, rotate it 90 degrees and put it back on the wheel balancer and you know what? The hard side was in a completely different place.