So, my wife's old Miata often sits in the driveway without a steady job and I work at home and my Tesla S is available there. So the Tesla drives all the miles and the Miata sits down. No wonder the battery was dead. I know this device isn't designed to revive a dead car battery, but I plugged it in anyway and left it for a few days. Now the battery is alive and the car works again. At an older age with my previous ICE car I would have just jumped on their car. But my massive electric Tesla S can't be connected to a 12V car battery because I don't have the hardware to do it. Nuts. Yes, my car insurance might send someone to start their car, but we are in a pandemic and I don't think jumping off my Miata parked in the driveway is an essential service worth someone I've been to risked getting infected. So, I have a rickety 12V charger that can revive a dead car battery. I will try to use it for electroplating.
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