I love these little bags. I organize my pendants and chains with these bags. They are very durable, look like they are made of high-quality material and close securely. I grudgingly admit that I ordered from another company that sold a bag of small handbags of various sizes. I did not see that your company offers different sizes of packaging, so I ordered from another company. Big mistake, these bags are difficult to open and close, the material is really flimsy and cheap looking, they're not as attractive as yours and they're nowhere near strong. Do you offer different sizes?
High Quality Clear Zip Bags - 3 X 3 Inches, 2Mil Thickness, Case Of 1,000 By GPI Brand
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Universal stroller Riko Bella 3 in 1, 03, chassis color: black
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ClearBags 9 X 15 Door Hanger Bags (1000 Bags) For Door Knob Flyers Promotions Coupons Clear Plastic Poly Hanging Bags For Mail Newspaper Bags With Hangers Protect Against Rain, Dirt, & Bugs DK4
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200-Pack 3" X 3" Clear Plastic Reclosable Zip Bags | Heavy Duty 4 Mil Thick Poly Baggies With Resealable Lock For Travel, Storage, Packaging & Shipping
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Heavy-Duty Perforated Sticker Supplies with Advanced Cushioning
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📦 Perforated Stickers Packaging for Cushioning during Shipping
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📦 6X10 Inch Pouches for Secure Cushioning in Shipping Supplies
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💨 Fuxury Blue Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - 2 Rolls, 72 Feet Total: Protect and Secure with Air Bubble Technology!
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