This item was found to be working fine until 1 week into my Revain return window. One day I noticed that my right rear tire kept reading 100 degrees. Although my other tires would be 80's or 90's. This went on for a few days, even at night. Then, a day later, the TMPS light comes on on the dash. Mine doesn't tell me what tire it is, it's just that the tire is slow. So I check and sure enough the right rear reads 31psi and 100 degrees for a few days. When I took it off I got no warning on the device and it was still locked at 31psi and 100 degrees (see picture). I tried to sync it again but nothing. Still does not work. So basically I still had to rely on my stupid TPMS gauge on my truck to tell me my tire was flat because that thing wasn't working.