After doing some research and reading reviews I thought this would be a good purchase for postpartum.I just delivered my baby about a week ago!I only used these for a couple days after delivery and the hospital provided them. When I got home I didn’t use the ones I bought- I also brought home whatever was left in my room at the hospital and haven’t used those.I found the foaming witch hazel spray much more soothing and comfortable. These are just so thick it feels like a thick heavy diaper!One of the nurses also made a comment that the ice packs generally aren’t as helpful after the first 24 hours following delivery.I also didn’t need stitches so I can’t vouch for whether these were helpful for that!Kinda bummed I wasted money on these but live and learn!One thing I will say is my head was hot during the induction/delivery process and our nurse would activate one of their ice pads and stuck it in a pillow case to rest on my head and that was sweet sweet relief! So these will be used for future migraines/bad headaches I guess?! Haha
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