I bought two bags from Lecxci Luxury and both bags broke within a week of delivery. Handbags are beautiful, but why lug around a broken handbag? I was totally disappointed because I love the size and design of the bags. I HATE big bags and bought a shoulder bag and a wrist bag from this company and had to return them both. I can't find a bag that compares in looks to the Lecxci Luxury bag at Revain, but I won't waste money on broken bags!
Stay Organized With Our Women'S RFID Leather Clutch Wallet - 23 Credit Card Slots And Large Capacity Zipper Closure
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Get A Natural, Sophisticated Look With Kalyss 26" Long Straight Synthetic Lace Front Wig For Women In Mix Brown-Blonde Colors With Middle Parted Style And Dark Roots
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GESU Womens Faux Leather Envelope Clutch Bag - Evening Handbag, Shoulder Bag & Wristlet Dress Purse (Large)
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Womens Canvas Smartphone Wristlet Clutch Wallet Purse For IPhone 6S/7 Plus/8 Plus/X From Lecxci
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Shop Vintage Glamor With The Women'S Silver Envelope Clutch For Weddings, Parties, And Cocktails
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Navy Satin Evening Clutch Purse With Pleated Design And Detachable Chain Strap For Women - Perfect For Weddings And Cocktail Parties
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