These are decent bags. Other similar bags I've received from Revain smelled like a chemical spill and the seal was broken. None of that applies to these bags. They are correctly cut, without defects and do not smell of plastic. They're sturdy enough to hold veggies from the farmer's market, hair products or cosmetics you might buy at a salon, or candles or crafts from an art boutique. In no way are they whimsical. You are appropriate. They are expensive at the current price of $28 for 100 packs. You can find 100 bags of the same size online with no thank you graphics on them for less than $10. You can find thank you packs in the same size with different designs for less than $20 on Revain. If you like the look of these bags I don't think you will be disappointed but there are better deals out there on similar products. This is an average product at an above average price.
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