The ease in which I can create my own playlists for clients! There are endless possibilities with this software as well!! It would be great if there was an option similar like how Spotify has where we could have more than one type/genre playlist? But it does do its job very nicely already without any issues or problems so far. Highly recommend using their services because they offer some amazing features such as customizing your client's radio station through creating customized stations according too them needs etc., The ease of use for our clients. I love how easy it is to create an account and then send out a link to our clients so they can add their own music. There are some features that could be improved such as being able to have more than one playlist in each account. We've been using this product for about a year now. It has helped us keep up with all of the new music that comes out every week. We can easily update our clients on what's going on with new releases and upcoming events.