The best bike! I bought this bike for my daughter's 3rd birthday last April. She already had a balance bike that was good for bike lanes, but not one that she could ride around the house, ride on patios, or leave the car to go to her grandma's. The PIKI bike was just what we needed. The most amazing thing about it is that it is already assembled! Except for a few stickers. Second, it comes in an adorable box so you don't even have to pack it. But be sure to hide it as the bike is pictured on the box. Third, it weighs NOTHING! We take it with us everywhere. To the park to rest, to visit friends or to the house when the weather is bad. She even rode our local BMX track and the bike held up. That's how she is! Apart from all these reasons to buy a Piki bike. Customer service is EXCELLENT! The front wheel recently snapped. And not because of bad quality but because my daughter rides the bike really hard and my 9 year old took some splashes with it too. I called customer service and they sent me a new bike. Now this is a company I can vouch for. I have recommended this bike to many friends with a small. Regarding the age/height of the child: My daughter is almost 4 years old and very tall (95%). She still enjoys it. Her cousin who is 3 years old or younger (30%) also likes it.
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