so far so good. The elastic at the bottom wraps around my bike so I don't have to worry about it falling off and if I do I can use the buckle at the bottom to secure it. Easy to put on and take off thanks to the elastic lining that keeps the bike in place when you put it on and the logo on the front of the bike lets me know which way to go. I have the large version and it completely covers my bike. If you buy a bigger bike like an adventure bike you might see the bottom of your tires, but my windshield is quite high. The orange reflectors on the front and back are nice to the touch, and there's a small fabric button at the top of the front, which comes in handy when I'm trying to adjust it right after putting it on. 2 metal loops for bicycle chain locks are worked into the fabric at the front and back. If it breaks or something, I'll come back and edit it, but if there's no content editing, that means it's still working.
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