For a price of 1100, there can be no complaints With its pros: Very comfortable and durable bag, of course it's not leather, but a very similar replica. It doesn't lose sight of it. Sturdy handles and carabiners on the strap over the shoulder, which is quite rare. Looks good, if worn carefully it will last a long time. I was very surprised by the small pockets for small things, I did not see about them either in the description or in the photo. Has some cons: a small pocket for wet things, I expected that there would be more. I didn't like the shoe pocket, but that's more of a taste. I don’t use it almost, it certainly doesn’t interfere if you don’t use it, but still. There is not enough shoulder pad on the shoulder strap or at least some kind of backing. It's just that the strap presses, and if there were a backing, it would solve the problem
TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support feet on the side, waterproof, wear-resistant, 52 l, size S, dark blue
9 Review
CCINEE Christmas Giant Wrapping String
8 Review
🎁 Christmas Drawstring Gift Bags: 22PCS Xmas Goodies Assorted Styles for Wrapping Gifts at Christmas Party
9 Review
🎁 Deluxe Naughty List Coal Surprise: Plush Red Velvet Jewelry Bag with Genuine Coal & Designer Gift Tag!
8 Review
Hallmark Large Black Gift Box with Lid – Perfect for Christmas, Hanukkah & Special Occasions!
7 Review
SketchGroup 50 pcs Pink Polka Dot Favour Boxes with Ribbons and Thank You Stickers - Luxury Packaging for Baby Shower, Wedding, Bridal Shower - 3x3x2 inch (Pink Polka Dot, 50)
7 Review
🎁 Stylish and Chic Bridesmaid Gift Box - 9.5x7x4 Inches, with Magnetic Lid & Collapsible Design - Ideal for Gift Packaging (Matte White, Grain Texture)
6 Review
A1 Bakery Supplies Kraft 4x4x4 Inch Brown Gift Boxes - Pack of 10
6 Review