I just received this and now have it installed - see pics. For those having difficulty getting the old one off, a block of wood against the base and a mallet tap popped my old one right off. It looks good, although as a number of others have commented, there is a seam that runs along the top. Not terribly noticeable unless you know it is there, which, of course, now I do so I see it every time I look at it. One commenter posted that it is a vinyl wrap and that seam is the edges of the vinyl. I think that it is real carbon fiber but that seam is just where the CF edges meet. I'm not sure why that seam is there instead of on the bottom or on the sides. Anyway, this is the least expensive CF handbrake grip I found so I took a chance on it. It is a decent value for the price and it will do for now. I would like to see examples of the other, more expensive options, though, and if I find one that does not have the visible seam in such an obvious place, I might opt for one of those (eventually). Also, although they did include two new zip ties with the product, they are very thin. Either use both of them or just get a thicker zip tie to use (I have plenty of them so that was not a problem).