I paid full price and have nothing to do with the seller. This belt costs just under $10. Stable as nail, no manufacturing defects, good design, super comfortable. I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as good for the money. I could pay 2-4 times as much for a similar branded product in the sports and outdoor department. It's nice that it has a mount for each additional length (many branded versions don't) and that the tip/end of the strap is tapered to easily fit the mount. It would be nice to have a little guide as you can fold the extra length left or right, but I'm not exactly sure how. The various parts were wrapped in shrink wrap. a way that reduces the presentation of the product but not the value. It came with a small velvet carry case and a mini carabiner which I'm not yet sure if there is a specific way to connect to the strap. Conclusion: Great product, fantastic price.