My daughter was between sizes so I ordered a size up and the shorts were too big for her. She also said she found the wide waistband odd, but most of her other shorts have a narrower waistband and she'll probably get used to it. The lace is white with black dots, easy to tie and easily adjustable. The shorts are a good length which is hard to find in girls' shorts. The fabric is nice and light and the black color with white writing looks very nice. My daughter is slimmer, especially around the hips, and the fit of these shorts, along with the extra width from being between sizes, doesn't flatter her as much. She also has to tie the cord a bit to keep it in place, which apparently causes the belt to take on a ripple effect. I also highly recommend going to the Under Armor website and looking at the sizing chart before making your purchase. The listing mentions a size chart, but I couldn't find it anywhere in the listing when ordering or browsing. My daughter said she would wear them but they won't be her favorite shorts (which may change as she gets older).
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