I have a love-hate relationship with this product. I like how strong and sturdy the block is, but it does have its downsides. It's supposed to be fully articulated, which in a way it is, but it's so hard to move that it looks like the TV screen will break, it takes so much strength. I bought two of these to fit two 60 inch Samsung ks8000 TVs that my wife and I use for our "games room". My goal today is to take one off, unscrew all the factory bolts and oil the inside of the hinges to see if that makes them easier to use. I'll let you know when I'm done with that. At the moment, however, the two devices I bought are mainly used as standard wall mounts for the reason mentioned above. * I have to say that they are durable! I weigh over 200 pounds and put a lot of pressure on them before I trust them with $3000 TVs to just hang out and I was blown away by the experience. Now all they have to do is move slightly**UPDATE** Well I spent about an hour on the mountain this afternoon and it was worth it. They basically tighten every nut and bolt from the factory. I opened them all up and sprayed white flash grease on each buttonhole. I then tightened all the washers and nuts snugly but not over the bearing. I have to say what is the difference between day and night. NOW it's a crowbar to free movement. And since I have a second one right next to it, I tried it a little differently. I just left the TV on and loosened each nut 1/8 to 1/4 turn. and it did a pretty good job too. I then sprayed on some lube just to be safe, but if you don't have lube you're fine. You will need a 1/2 socket, a 17mm spanner and a 7/32 hex wrench. that's all and you can go. Forced to do so, I'm giving a four star rating because it was really worth it. If it was like this out of the box I would give it five stars. So remember this MUST be done but once you are on an easy road. Enjoy!
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