I can't even tell you how good this product is. I'm always quite skeptical when I read really positive reviews online, but I can say that this is an honest review with no compensation. I love high quality leather goods and spend good money on them including shoes, bags, belts. and even leather car seats! My biggest problem has always been keeping them clean and looking like new. I have tried several other products over the years including Lexol, Neatsfoot Oil and various other conditioners. However, none of them were able to repair the leather and remove dirt and oil, particularly from my shoes (Allen Edmonds) and my car seats. I heard about Saddle Soap on a podcast and decided to give it a try. A word of caution, DO NOT WEAR. If you do, you'll burn the skin and make it difficult to remove. Just a light coat (enough to lather a bit) will set you free from shoes and other leather goods for a few years. After application, I gently (in a circular motion) buffed with a microfiber cloth. This should help restore your shine. The only thing I want to warn you about is choosing the right colored soap for your skin. If you have white or very light skin, use white soap. Otherwise I use yellow for cognac, black and other brown leathers. I've used it on belts, shoes, briefcases, my wife's bags and a few other items with great success!
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