It's great for sending notifications about repairs that are scheduled within your dashboard or alerts from equipment monitoring devices! No cons here, everything was awesome as promised. I would have liked more customization options such us being able to add images/screenshots but this should not be considered much of anything because you can easily fix it later once implemented in production if needed (it did take me longer than expected to implement though). This software solves my problem of needing reminders so our team isn't late when we're trying to meet critical deadlines at school!! The best thing about EvoNotify is that it is very easy to use and can be used by anyone. It is very good for notifications and reminders. The only thing I dislike about EvoNotify is the fact that it can sometimes be a bit slow at times. I would recommend EvoNotify to anyone who wants to use it for notifications and reminders. I am using EvoNotify to notify my team members when I need to meet with them. It is very easy to use and can be used by anyone.