I have been using the Logitech G15 v2 keyboard for more than ten years, so I am accustomed to its little left Shift key, which is a feature of the keyboard. This feature may be improper for certain people, but it is not inappropriate for me. The button that is located next to the left shift key has a label that is somewhat inaccurate. The label for the button reads "square brackets," but in reality it is "/" and "." Launching the Logi Options program is its own independent quest. This software is a separate topic. If during the installation process you pick the option to "Send diagnostic information," the software won't launch; instead, it will display the baffling riddle of a black screen and provide no further information. The software will need to be reinstalled as that is the only solution. Because providing technical help is based on the premise that "While we answer, the user will solve the problem himself," I will now provide a solution (one of the available possibilities) right here. :)