The ability for us at work can see what is happening without needing special software or any of those things that are difficult with an employee who does not have admin priviledges but has access so it's great when you need support quickly! Sometimes we do feel like our info isn't secure enough because sometimes people find ways around this system easily which they could otherwise be doing if their privileges allowed them too!! It would also help reduce some issues such as being hacked through social media sites etc.. If someone else wants something done then others don’t really want there details shared out online unless maybe its just between friends only I guess? Otherwise nothing bad yet though still trying different applications/companies try before buying anything new always good. We use pwnd pulse everyday within my team for all sorts including internal meetings where i am often asked about certain aspects regarding problems solving them I like that it's easy to use as an employee or customer. It is also very quick for any employees who have access to get trained quickly. There are not many features but what they do offer works well. The software could be more user friendly if there were some additional options available. We've been able to find out about malware within our network almost immediately with this tool.