Compared as much as possible for a fake. Vro-o-ode the original, there is nothing to get to the bottom of. But knowing how well the Chinese are now counterfeiting any apple pods, I still have a small amount of doubt. In extreme cases, if this is a copy, then it is good enough, comparable to the original both in build quality and in sound quality. Keep in mind that different stores may provide different items in this lot, and if someone receives the original, then you may stumble upon a fake, so browse the stores with this product, look at their reviews and contact the seller to find out at least what - some details. They wrote to me that this is the original, and although it’s hard to take a word, there is a small hope that they are not lying, because some stores directly admit that they sell a “good copy”. In general, I wrote for those who are sick of the topic of the original and the copy. Well, in general, I conclude that the product is good and I safely recommend it. The sound quality is good, the micro works, all functions are performed, no gaps or other jambs were found during assembly The only question is how long they will last. In the future, if possible, I will add a review
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