Appears to be well made and works well if you follow the instructions on the AMZN product page. Much simpler, fewer mistakes than most kits on the market. It would be nice to have a plug/cap to keep the connection between applications clean. If you're a CO2 newbie like me, you might not know that on a sunny day the temperature in your car can be so high that the tank overheats and blows the lock washer, releasing as many pounds of CO2 as you have in your tank. , into your car. On my pickup truck, emptying a 5lb jerry can increased the CO2 levels to nearly 50 percent in seconds - enough to kill me if I hadn't realized what was going on before I passed out. I left a full tank in the car while picking up some groceries and had just gotten into a traffic jam when it blew up, luckily before I got onto the freeway which could have hurt others. I was able to stop the car quickly and with some effort - high CO2 levels stop the brain - I managed to open the door as I passed out. Can drive in ten minutes, headache and mild dizziness for an hour or so.
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300PCS Pre-Cut Unbleached Parchment Paper Sheets - Perfect For Baking, Grilling, Air Fryer & Steaming!
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GOBAM Wood Rolling Pin: The Perfect Dough Roller For Baking Cookies, Pie, Pizza & More - 13 X 1.38 Inches
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