Candid Cal. It seems that these people at Apple are just rowing money with shovels and laughing heartily at the buyers and users of their devices. I can’t even ate my operating system normally - some kind of error pops up in itunes, after which I have to restore everything from a backup (this is good if you did it recently, but if you haven’t done it for a long time or at all . ), but only programs are restored (and then they are downloaded again from the Internet), contacts, photos, and even then not all, but user data - music, pwords, fingerprints, etc. NO! I have to re-enter everything, for the third time, by the way, I have to do this, upload music through this ing itunes, because there’s no other way, well, either listen online (to plant such a poor battery even faster), although some online now you won’t even listen to FB, or pay money - subscribe and pay 200-300 every month, plus the music itself in the store costs about 10-15. The 21st century is in the yard, guys, it is freely available on the Internet, download it for free. Why can't I just download it from the internet directly to my phone? Viruses? Yes, I don’t care about them, on the android for some reason I could never catch them no matter how hard I tried! There is not enough RAM, constantly open applications are loaded again, terribly infuriates. I bought for 23000 - a complete disappointment. For this money, it is better to take any other device on the android and enjoy life. I don't understand these people who are rotated on iPhones. Well, yes, a beautiful interface, animation, and that’s probably all, although this is no longer a problem on modern flagship android devices. Why is Bluetooth here at all? Just listen to music through it? Why can't I transfer any file to any other phone, but only to an apple device? And, well, yes, viruses . The battery, as I said, is disgusting - charging 2 times a day is stability for it. The sound that is in the headphones, that in the dynamics is a complete bottom .