I've had this helmet for a few months and it was a good helmet to start with. The street noise was quite loud but it was very pleasant. I ride my bike every day and it's always hot in Florida. I had to wash my balaclavas every two weeks and had no problems until recently. Once driving down I-95, the left side of the helmet vibrated and didn't feel as tight. I got into work that morning to find that the left side of the inner styrofoam shell was no longer connected to the wand shell and was floating inside the helmet. I removed and installed the gaskets according to the manufacturer's instructions. I've scoured the internet for problems with this helmet and found what might be a quick fix. After some research I found out that there is no solution and I should replace it. The product comes with a 5 year guarantee and when I contacted them they told me it was probably not a manufacturer issue but the fact that I kept taking the pads off to clean them. Shouldn't it be built to withstand that? Instead of going back and forth with them, I bought a carbon fiber AGV helmet. There are no problems with that yet. This is a good helmet and I probably received the product with a unique issue. For a minimal budget and comfort, that's good.
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