What I like most about this set of two belts is that they are very practical without being flashy. -- Lightweight -- Either color (solid black and khaki) goes with almost everything I wear -- While not frilly, they look good enough to wear with the dress code and are sturdy enough too to run outdoors and actively adventure -- They contain no metal, so they don't work when I'm flying. I can wear them on my belt - they are infinitely adjustable. Very topical after the holidays! - Speaking of which, they don't have the marks and stretch holes like other belts. So when you let go of something or pull something in, there won't be any ugly marks left on the belt from the old buckle position - they're the right width. Wide enough to support pants without creating a bun, but not so wide that they don't fit into the belt loops of more stylish pants. Okay, what are their downsides? "These aren't flimsy leather belts with shiny buckles. So no business appointments in New York. -- They look pretty basic when worn alone (ie not on your pants). So if you're worried about how someone you just met will judge you by your belt, well. but really then you just find the best partner! Although they look fragile when unpacked, they are extremely durable. I bought my first pair a few years ago and just bought my second backpack because I travel a lot and wanted to have a spare strap in my bag. Okay, I'm a guy and an engineer, that's my point. for this review. But I'm happy to report that my wife liked the practicality and look of these belts and bought a pair last year. An artist and writer, she sees the world through a different lens than mine, and she wears LOTS of it. I highly recommend this pair of straps. Guys, I did not receive any ads or freebies for this review. I don't actually write reviews that often. I'm just a regular buyer. If you found this review valuable, please give it a "thumbs up" so it can be shown and helped others like you.
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