The software installation took only a few minutes. I have an Acer Intel Core 15 with Windows 10. Abbyy Finereader 12 Spint created a shortcuts folder on my desktop so I just open it to run the software. The scanner is lightweight but takes up a lot of desk space and should be placed near a power outlet and a computer. Once the power is on, it lifts the lid to place the item to be scanned on the flatbed. You can detach the hinges if needed and they slide back easily. The software seems outdated with limited options like only 300dpi or 600dpi. There are almost no adjustments except for the brightness. Available in black and white, gray or color. You have the option to preview before you scan, which is nice, and you can include multiple pages in one scan (but you'll have to place them on the tray one at a time). You can scan to a pdf, pdf image, image file (mine does jpeg), word, etc. I use this for my 12x12 scrapbooks. I create digital files in pdf format and some in jpeg format. They lose some quality but they look decent. The files are starting to get quite large, so I'll probably need a hard drive for backup and storage. I uploaded some large JPEG files to Shutterfly. I will update how the prints look as by definition it is like taking a photo of an image as you upload it and then printing it. so let's see how it looks. Overall, I'm happy with the quality and ease of use. Sometimes it sounds like a fax machine when scanning. Def is not a silent machine. I love its size and features and everyone in my family is already asking to use it. I'm also happy with the price as I reviewed the company for scanning my scrapbooks and it was $2.99 per page plus other fees. Ten years of scrapbooks would cost a small fortune, so I saved a lot. Also, I prefer to be in control, even if it takes time. I will report any issues or issues if I continue to use the Plustwj OpticAlim 1180 scanner. Questions are welcome. Ten years of scrapbooks would cost a small fortune, so I saved a lot. Besides, I prefer to be in control even if it takes time. I will report any issues or issues if I continue to use the Plustwj OpticAlim 1180 scanner. Questions are welcome. Ten years of scrapbooks would cost a small fortune, so I saved a lot. Also, I prefer to be in control, even if it takes time. I will report any issues or issues if I continue to use the Plustwj OpticAlim 1180 scanner. Questions are welcome. even if it takes time. I will report any issues or issues if I continue to use the Plustwj OpticAlim 1180 scanner. Questions are welcome. even if it takes time. I will report any problems or issues, if I continue to use the Plustwj OpticAlim 1180 scanner. Questions are welcome.