Great portable console. A week after making the initial purchase, I went out and got a 256 GB memory card. As a result, there is now a sufficient supply of memory cards for the library. Every week or two, the sales games that are offered on the Polish e-shop, as well as on others, are updated. Some go for between 70 and 200. Therefore, it is preferable to purchase memory in order to download, rather than to bother. Additionally, games produced by Nintendo can be saved on cartridges due to the fact that. They have a respectable weight, and the online store does not put them on sale. Additionally, it is best to have a cover and pads for the joycons as soon as possible. I purchased two pieces of the protective glass, but I have not yet installed it because I am concerned that if I track it later, the factory protective film will peel off, which is something that is not at all possible to accomplish. However, the information regarding the protective glass is ambiguous. Half of the users write that it is not required to install it. Now, I don't think there is anything further to add. Unless I buy games through the Poland e-shop (which has fantastic prices, and the most of games support the 2022 language), but I don't know how to buy payment cards today - there are a lot of films and links to exchanger bots in the cart on YouTube.