In case it's important to you, this is actually a 1-1/4" wide leather strap with 3 rows of holes through it, 3/8" hole spacing. 1/8" wide strips of colored leather (black in my case) are wrapped and woven into the strap and through the holes, giving it a woven appearance. If you look closely at the center image you can see the pre-drilled holes. This is unlike my previous woven leather strap where it was made entirely from thicker woven leather straps. The prong of the buckle could puncture the strap between the straps. The buckle itself is 1-7/8" wide and in real life (for me) larger than it appears in the pictures. That is not enough. I have a 38" waist, so I ordered a 38-42" waist size. The belt itself was 52 inches long from end to end. In hindsight, I've heard that a 33-37 inch waist belt is 48 inches from tip to tip, which would have been better, but it was easy to cut 5 inches off of it. The front and back of the buckle are held together with rivets, so simply unscrew, remove the buckle, cut with scissors, and then put back together. After you cut the strap, the colored stripes mentioned above may come loose, but a little superglue or some black tape should fix that. It also has a fairly strong leather smell. Only by touching the belt did I later smell it on my hands. None of the above issues were a problem for me - I'm just giving you the facts. In general the belt is of good quality, I am satisfied with it.