These bags are very strong and can carry a lot of weight. They fold but are quickly assembled for use. They have a durable bottom panel that folds down with the bag. You place the liner on the floor as soon as you open the bag to use it. I carry heavy things in bags without any problems. The bags aren't as big as other reusable grocery bags, but you don't want them to be as they're designed more for heavier items. I like to use them for bulky things like milk, yogurt, cat food, laundry detergent etc. They remain stable and distribute the weight of the items being carried much better than other bags. It's like having these canvas storage cubes with handles. This is basically what they are, but a little thicker. I find them a bit overpriced considering you only get two bags per order. I'm not sure I'll ever want to buy more than the two I have, but I love them and use them. I have other bags of this brand that I bought and I'm using them for other purposes right now and I really like the other bags. However, they don't weigh as much as these. Those were the others I bought. Earthwise Reusable Shopping Bag (4 Pack) I think the other bags are a fairer value considering you actually get four bags with this order.
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