I have two of these bags and while one of my horses handled it well the other tore the back of her bag after a month of use. The strap part of the bag holds up well. This horse was used to eating from slow feed sacks and has never been able to rip one open, although he ended up punching large holes in some of the slow feed nets. This bag has the smallest openings of any bag of this type I could find so it really slows down the eating process, but it would be better if it was webbed on both sides and not tight on the back. I will try to get my husband to fix the torn part but I would not recommend this for a horse that eats more aggressively / gets upset easily. I have two Norwegian Fjord horses and have had numerous slow feed bags and nets of various brands and types over the years. I actually only had this problem with another bag that was with another horse and was a rodent net, also with a hard back and the same thing happened.
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