These shoes are a cross between sneakers and laceless loafers. The shoes are soft and comfortable and because they are non-slip they are very easy to put on and take off. They are ideal for at home and on the go. These shoes aren't as casual as sneakers, and in black they look good enough to be worn as loafers. ideal for walking and light aerobic exercise. You can wear these shoes all day and your feet will still feel comfortable as they have plenty of cushioning and a soft sole that makes them feel like running shoes. I like the fact that they are easy to wear and that they are comfortable. Perfect for those who want to wear casual wear and the price is great too.
Ultimate Comfort and Style: Minnetonka Men's Sole Moccasin Taupe
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Men's Merrell Jungle Waterproof Slip-On Loafers in Gunsmoke - Shoes for Superior Comfort and Style
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Bostonian Bolton Loafer: Sleek Leather Shoes for Men
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Merrell Men's World Vue Black Loafers & Slip-Ons
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