It is terribly architecturally beautiful and architecturally technological. You go to the store, buy Boxing, take any game, pay money, go home, connect everything and enjoy all the super power of the console! With its pros: It's just a cool console! Much better than PS3 because it's more powerful and gamepads are just simply. GREAT! I saw it! It's just a SUPER GAME CENTER! Even the newest PC is not equal to it. The cooling system is better than in previous versions but not as cool as the Wii. In general, the console is super, no super, I overdid it :D not some kind of blues there. And Kinect is just great, I have not seen this yet, it's an archival thing compared to PS Move and Wiimote. With its cons: The cooling system is not very, of course, in winter it is hot as a stove. The headset that is not connected to the PC in the kit, the lack of 2 gamepads, I like to play Mortal Kombat.