I found this antenna as a new amateur radio after many mistakes, bought a cheap rg8, tried used 213 and LMR 400, bought lower gain antennas, bought higher power radios. This allowed me to connect to repeaters from 32 to 70 miles away over the hills and mountains β° and also allowed me to connect to my node more than 25 miles away in the mountains. DO NOT use coaxial cable smaller than the corresponding LMR-400! You bought this antenna for a higher gain, don't lose it with a higher loss cable, you won't save money by choosing less. If you are in the countryside with hills and mountains, this is your ticket. I get total silence on my FTM-100-DR, 8w Baofeng F8-HP and my 5w FT-2DR, yes my HTs are connected to it. Yes I love this antenna so much I bought 2. I can't compare it to Diamond or any other brand, but I can say it solved my problems after spending $800 to get reception on Baofeng in a very rural mountainous area of Arizona. I was hoping for 1 repeater but got 5! 73 by K7AWW
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