Very poor quality tips. I've always used Tweco's tips, but I saw these tips while searching Amazon, so I decided to try them because of the low price. I ordered 100 tips. I build aluminum trailers and weld with an aluminum spool gun 8-10 hours a day 5 days a week. With Tweco tips I can weld all day and maybe clog a few tips here and there. These tips are constantly clogged. Even when welding with high voltage, the tips literally melted. I'm not even talking about ultra high temperatures. I'm using a 220v 250amp welder with a voltage of 6-7 out of 10 and it keeps melting those spikes. I don't know what alloy these tips are made of, but they are rubbish. I've never had this problem with Tweco brand tips. I rarely melt Tweco tips, but I've melted at least 25 of these cheap tips. Of the 100 tips I bought I probably only have 10 left as they have all melted or fused and clogged with the aluminum wire. I would stay away from these tips and definitely buy Tweco