The system works well,it's easy to import the different sources we need for our projects. It also allows you to create your own templates for new collections or fabrics/sizes,which can be used quickly afterwards. I wish there was more consistency between the different sections (e.g.: project overview vs. product). Also would like to have some way to see how much stock I actually have left, without having to go through my accounts section each time. And if I could search through inventory from another collection easily without going back into this one. That's what makes me switch over between systems most often! I am using this software mostly during show season. This helps us plan ahead when creating samples which help clients decide at their fittings whether they should take our offer. It's easy for me, because I'm working from home most days now during my covid situation so this has been helpful! Also being able to see what you have left over each day helps keep track when ordering new stock or finishing up old items!! Nothing yet but would like more people using their software at once if they can do live chat/webinars etc maybe? As mentioned above though we don't need much communication right away since its only used while i am here anyway (and sometimes not even then).