Bought for my grandson last Christmas. Comes with an extra brush head which is great. Small enough to fit comfortably in your mouth and hand. He loves the light that changes colors and that he gets an electric toothbrush like Mom and Dad have. This toothbrush shows you with a hesitant vibration how long you have been brushing your teeth. This is really nice as you can teach kids to brush their teeth in batches for a reasonable amount of time. My grandson learned how to brush his teeth since the toothbrush isn't too big, he can hold it himself and it doesn't hurt. his mouth. and he loves these lights. I love this little toothbrush and so does he! At the moment it's been running for 11 months and it's still working! I'm glad you can get extra heads as they lasted long enough to need them. Highly recommended.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game for Nintendo Switch, cartridge
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๐ TheraBreath Fresh Breath Chewing Gum: ZINC with Citrus Mint Flavor - Pack of 6 (10 Count)
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๐ฑ Organic Peppermint and Parsley Oil Gel Capsules for Fresh Breath - Keto Friendly Stomach Mints with 3+ Hour Freshness - XL Size - Freshies
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