My daughter loves it but she is 5 years old. She is tiny, 33 pounds at 5 years old. She is a size 4 in everything (sometimes a size 3 fits her). She has no ass at all and they are too tight in her ass. She has "fins" on the sides of her thighs - why? I'm not sure a 5 year old would have hips of this shape, except for the "fins", they are poorly sewn and wrinkled. The armpits are also huge. Again, what kind of child has this shape? Of course, no kid with those armpits and hip fins will fit up her ass. And when she bends down you can see the pattern on her underwear, the fabric is so thin. I expected so much more from Danskin and I feel so left out. I kept it against my better judgment but if I hadn't had a 5 year old jumping around so excitedly for his bike I would have returned it. After more years of ballet and gymnastics we will NOT be buying any more Danskin products. Update: My daughter is now complaining that she doesn't ride well when she walks, so luckily she's coming back. I'm really pissed that companies put out such badly done crap and now I have to take the time to get it back.
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