All packages arrived on time, about a few days after ordering. I have bought all sizes from this seller and they are good quality bags. The zipper lock is strong and will not open accidentally. The plastic itself is also very durable. Due to my persistence in putting parts in undersized bags, I've seen them stretch and bulge, but I haven't been able to actually puncture or break the bag yet. I would imagine that this would require a lot of effort. Please note that the usable space inside the bags is slightly smaller than actual size, about 1cm wide and 2cm long. It will be 7 x 11 cm = 6 x 9 cm, 8 x 12 cm = 7 x 10 cm, 13 x 18 cm = 12 x 16 cm, 15 x 20 cm = 14 x 18 cm. This is fairly typical of these pouches as they are designed to provide a proper seal throughout their length. If you want full-size bags, go for pink anti-static bags, but be aware you'll sacrifice durability. In general, I advise you to go!
Shield ATLANT universal 774142100800, 465x185x30 mm, transparent, 1 pc.
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Universal stroller Riko Bella 3 in 1, 03, chassis color: black
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100-Pack Of 2.5" X 3" Clear Reclosable Zip Poly Bags With 4 Mil Thickness And Resealable Lock Seal By IMBAPrice
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Get Organized With 100 Clear Resealable Zip Bags (8"X10" 2 Mil) From Halulu
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Honeycomb Cushioning: Eco-Friendly Biodegradable & Recyclable Wrapping Solution
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💨 Fuxury Blue Anti-Static Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - 2 Rolls, 72 Feet Total: Protect and Secure with Air Bubble Technology!
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📦 6X10 Inch Pouches for Secure Cushioning in Shipping Supplies
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💎 Luxury Air Bubble Cushion Wrap Roll - Fuxury Bubble Roll
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