These scented compost bags meet the standard for curbside collection. I bought these because they were a bit cheaper than some of the others. When you take them out of the box; You have to be careful as they are packaged a little differently than most. Each is about the size of a large square. However, the ends are attached and must be opened carefully before you can use the pouches. Aside from those first few steps; I have found these bags to be very effective. I found them to hold up quite a bit as their shape is a little different from others I've used. As with any compost bag, I would not leave wet food waste in it for any length of time as it will begin to decompose as intended and most compost bags never process wet food waste. Duration of sitting in bags. I would buy these bags again as they serve their purpose. I have also found that if you place shredded paper towels, paper plates, shredded brown bag, etc. at the bottom of the bag, if wet food is added afterwards, the bag will soften at first because it absorbs some of the liquid released with the bag of food . collapses and crumbles.
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