Great strap at first but broke after 5 uses. The strap was used to attach a lightweight carbon fiber mountain bike to my bike rack. I bought two of these, the other one is ok so far but I get nervous using it and it looks like it will break soon. I also bought two 9" versions and they seem fine. Maybe I just have only caught a bad one.Again a good concept just a little hesitant to use it on a light bike despite being rated at 60lbs.My bike's weight is carried by a bike rack and this strap barely holds fivelbs.It broke when tightened with the same tension as the other one which isn't quite loose and still has some flexibility.The bummer is these things were expensive and I thought I would e pay for the quality! I hope customer service is more reliable and stands behind their product. Update: Company owner Cameron explained that there was a small issue with a number of straps and replaced them without question. Great customer service and now I can be sure the new straps are as strong as they say. Thank you Cameron!
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