So for the top price of this helmet you expect a quality failsafe helmet. I have a problem with the visor. When opening or closing, it clicks on the left side, then clicks on the right side, then on the left, then on the right side back and forth. It is very difficult to partially open it while driving as the two sides are fighting each other. I don't like the middle tab on the visor! I also don't like the thick plastic along the bottom of the visor. You might think this would strengthen the visor, but it clearly isn't, and it only blocks your view if you open it partially. I called Shoya and they told me that the visor tabs are not adjustable. I also asked what communication system they recommend and they have no recommendation. They also don't list the hole size for the speaker, and intercom companies don't list the size of the speakers they use, so it's expensive to try and see. I know Senna (one of the most popular brands) smh10 (I think) will not fit. Others have complained that the padding is too thick but should crack over time. They may be trying to make a quieter helmet, but I haven't noticed any difference between this helmet and other new helmets I've tried. The type of earplugs used has a greater impact on noise levels. Meanwhile, your cheeks get crushed and your ears get ripped off every time you take off your helmet. For the amount of money you're investing ($70 for a range hood!), I wouldn't recommend it. I'll probably buy a different brand next time.
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