After such a failure, I cannot in good conscience suggest DJI products; nonetheless, this stub is appropriate for those who already have a stub in the matrix and lens. It is also for infrequent use because repeated stress causes it to just crumble. Has some pros: Unbroken chain of success. any parallax may be done like a crouching samurai) Controls that are interesting. lock button that applies to all axes (freezes the camera in its current location). Below are some downsides: Terrible battery, you need to bring two extra pens with you for a single day of work, and this costs roughly 10 thousand. An improbable occurrence, to be specific, a steady shake emanating from a camera, be it any or even one that is adequately balanced. if there is at least some form of stub, either in the matrix or in the lens, then this can be corrected for. However, if they are absent, a very powerful high-frequency tremor will occur, which will cause the material to become unusable. and so have many others, according to several of the people I've asked. Weak, ff is already challenging for him if he can handle the 6000th set of soneks without any troubles (tremor anyway). Extremely flimsy, and in a relatively short amount of time it started to fall apart all over the place and in some places.