The skirts are very pretty. The material is stretchy yet thin, which gives them a soft feel. My only complaint is that the sizes run small. According to the size chart, my granddaughter would wear a medium. I ordered a large and they fit her perfectly, but they are ankle length and not mid-calf. She's 10 years old and a little smaller than average so I was surprised but glad I ordered a size up. The belt is a bit strange. It is not a wide piece of elastic but appears to be made up of a narrow piece at the top and the skirt itself forms an elastic band. I suspect it is worn in front of a skirt. Overall I'm fine with that as these are baby clothes that they will outgrow in six months. If she wore longer, I would be dissatisfied with it. If she doesn't get bigger in the waist, she can live off it for a few years if the material holds up. I don't think the quality of the work is low. They seem well put together. I'm a seamstress and I checked the inside seams.
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