has various benefits: 1. Games. Paid for in preparation for playing Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I have no regrets. An appealing main menu is a plus. Added nothing. 3 Hybridization. Even though I mostly use it in portable form, the TV output is a welcome bonus. A few drawbacks: The joycons have a significant input lag, even when used with the console in portable mode. This is most pronounced when navigating in-game or system menus. No one has ever mentioned this to me before; either nobody else is aware of it or I am unusually sensitive to control delay. The worst buttons ever. They're itty-bitty and incredibly clicky. I prefer the gentle squeezing action of larger gamepads. The PSP buttons, too, were upgraded. 3 Rude wooden implements. With them, a shooter is completely unbeatable. In addition, the triggers are digital. 5. The materials are of low quality, even when compared to the Nintendo 2DS XL, which is effectively a cheaper version of the 3DS.