This product is not compatible with X52 because it comes out of the box, I had to contact support (which was very good) and they sent me additional parts that make it work with X52. The assembly instructions are very simple and make assembly a bit tedious, but not that bad. My main build problem came when I was sent an additional X52 compatible part that came with no instructions but wasn't very difficult to figure out, however the nuts and bolts these parts came from were different than those that once came with the original product were supplied and so were much more difficult to fit (the original came with spring loaded nuts which stay in place and are pressed onto the track making it easy to use. The additional parts came with standard square nuts which are extremely were difficult to use it took almost an hour to add these 2 pieces and it only took me 30 minutes to put all the originals together I also have a set of Monster Tech USA brackets which are much stronger and easier to fit but also around $100 more expensive So for the money if you put it on don't mind taking the time to put this product together en, it's not bad and quite durable, but if you don't mind finishing it extra 100โฌ I would choose an alternative.
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