It's very easy to compile programs from source code, which gives you full control over your systems configuration and software installation. Also there are no pre-installed applications that might slow down performance of my computer so it does not lagg as much while rendering games/videos in Full HD resolution at 60FPS like other distros do (which slows everything else). I mainly use GNU Compiler Collection tools along with some external libraries such as C++11 standard library via GCC7.2 compiler, but they all work out fine! The only problem i encountered was when i installed Xorg server after compiling the drivers myself using proprietary AMD catalyst driver available online through "AMDGPU Pro Driver Installer". You should try building your own packages before installing them otherwise it will make conflicts later if you install something new without deleting their files first. Try doing things slowly since compilation time varies depending upon speed and internet connection speeds. Some tasks may take long amounts of time when done quickly especially due to large amount of RAM used because I love that it's open source, so you have full control over what software gets installed into your computer! It takes some time to learn how everything works in this OS but once figured out there are no problems at all using gentooxenu as my main desktop os (running linux). There isn't much of anything i dislike with GENTOO - if something does come up its usually solved very quickly by other users online through IRC channels like #gentoolinux-support.