If you are careful with your technique these can be used but they are far from the best. Here are the problems: 1) Difficult to crimp the wire sufficiently without damaging the insulation. If you push hard enough, the insulation will break. If you don't crimp hard enough, the wire will slip out. After making a few I couldn't find the "best spot" where the crimp would be good without damaging the insulation. I don't have this problem with other plugs of the same type but different brands. 2) The heat shrink tubing does not extend far enough through the wire to provide adequate support and support in a marine environment. There can be 1/4 inch of insulation in contact with the wire insulation, but only if you completely strip the wire. (If you don't strip it far enough you can get a good crimp (see #1 above), and if you strip too much you'll have even less correspondence between the wire insulation and the connector heat shrink tubing.) 3 ) The heat shrink tubing sticks out often too far beyond the end of the connector. Problem with that. When you heat the insulation and it shrinks, it wraps itself around the end of the plug, preventing you from inserting it. That is, the insulation covers the portion of the slot where the blade is intended to enter. You'll eventually have to cut the insulation with a razor before you can use it. Some of them still fail after installation and need to be reapplied. I've had much better luck with other brands that I usually use. My conclusion is a recommendation AGAINST this product.