I have a scleral contact lens for my left eye and am just getting used to putting it in and taking it out. This lens is heavy and very large. It covers the entire eye and sits on the white of the eye. This plunger is exactly the same as my eye doctor uses to insert a lens and it works the same way. It holds the lens securely and allows me to press the lens against my eye by releasing the suction cup. I didn't think these pistons would fit soft or even hard lenses of normal size. But with scleral lenses, they do their job better than the little pestles I use to remove the lens, and certainly better than trying to insert my finger into the lens. They come in little plastic containers so I can always keep one in my little pin set I made on the go. For the right lens, that's so helpful. Just don't buy them for regular lenses. They are not designed for such lenses.
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