I received red 12V. The accuracy compared to a multimeter is good. The problem was the buttons, they work very well but are relatively fragile compared to the normal 4 pin 6x6 micro buttons as this module uses high pillar versions. The 6x6 design offered no lateral torque, but the struts make it easy to accidentally knock on. When assembling one pulled directly into a homemade fan assembly. Easy to swap out as the part is very common and I have a whole basket of them. If you're not careful. Everything else worked great for me. FYIP0 = Cool or Heat mode, "C" or "H", default "C". P1 = Hysteresis Setting, 32-68°F, default 2. P2 = Temperature Correction, 14°F to 50°F, default 0. P3 = Runtime Setting, 0-240 minutes, default off. P4 = stop time setting, 0-240 minutes, off by default. P3 setting "1" means the thermostat will work for 1 minute to stop and keep pressing the SET button. for reactivation. Setting P4 to "1" means the thermostat will start working after 1 minute. Set the digital tube to light up 1 minute after normal operation. Press SET repeatedly to start again.
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