In principle, the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot bad, though still damp. To be honest, I'm a big fan of the playstation and I'm a little disappointed. Every year the playstation loses momentum. Take at least Ps vita'u. Games are expensive and really good games are few and far between. The playstation application is generally some kind of garbage: it thinks for a long time, the store opens in the browser, etc. Well, I've moved away from the topic . So, I was waiting for something to descend from the sky, but I got a new generation console. On account of ps pluse: they say that they give an "excellent selection of games" with it. In fact, there are literally 3-4 “excellent games”: everything else is some kind of rubbish . I won’t talk about the price of games: everyone talks about it. Yes, it's expensive, but that's because the games are on Blu-ray discs. Lots of unnecessary features. For example, the light bar on the joystick, which shows the damage received in the game. It is not visible, even if you look at the joystick. The share button somehow works strangely (you will understand if you buy a console) The start and select buttons are gone, which is a little disappointing. The option and share buttons are hard to hit the first time, but then you get used to it. The interface is both simple and complex at the same time. There is a lot more I would like to tell you, but you will discover it for yourself if you buy a console :p . And so I advise you to wait about half a year until the console appears in large quantities, more games will be released and this "dampness" of the operating system will be corrected.