Honestly it's cute my daughter loves it. But for €30? It's so cheap and poorly assembled. The face mask is so thin that she can't even see through her eyes because they are so small. The paint has ALREADY peeled off and we just opened it. I said a lot before I took the right picture. Literally just sprayed. My friend gave her son a Donatello sword and the swords were too small for his back and had to melt the plastic for him to leave them there. where they should be. Likewise. The paint on the shell is peeling off and it looks awful. Then my daughter asked why both stars of the shuriken accidentally had a crooked Michelangelo image when it was clearly Raphael's costume. If my 4 year old finds a lack he should improve the quality of this product a bit. Don't waste $30 on this. Make your own or go to party town and spend the same amount on more. 🤷🏽♀️
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